All About Charlie

The Character that i'm writing about goes by the name of charlie. Charlie is very interested in football he knows a lot about football he knows almost every player that's been in the Fantasy league for the past 12 years. His friend's father owns a football by the name of the L.A. Bulldogs. They both love to talk about football and that's the reason she says she likes him because that's the only thing they both ever talk about. Charlie is only good person on his team who knows what to do stat wise so that's why they have him on the bench on his football team. Charlie is 12 years old and is in 7th grade he is a decent student with his B+ test, but when football comes to play he would and gets A+s all around. Charlie is the main character in the book. The antagonist in the story is his surroundings because they won't let him start in the football games and he is good at football maybe even greater than how much he knows about football. Charlie is the best in his class (Football Knowledge wise) he has a lot of friends that either like to play football or watch football. Charlie likes to watch old clips of football from the past and even know's some stats that most people don't know about even though they may have seen the clip before. Charlie is the best person on his football team who knows all the stats about almost every Fantasy league player in the entire season and people from the league way back in the past.


  1. Excellent descriptive post! This sounds like an interesting book!

  2. Sounds like a very interesting book. Keep up the good work.


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